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Recommended Reading List

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Chronic Pain My Journey Don S. Hunter Published in February 2023  Available on Amazon link below, also at Indigo Books ​ ​ ​ ​

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse

This is an incredible story that captures the essential values that all parents hope to instill in their children – the essential components of “compassion” for self and others.


Daring Greatly

It is always risky to allow yourself to be vulnerable, but it is crucial in developing deep, satisfying and mature relationships. Great courage to embrace vulnerability, can be found in these pages!

This book is easy to read and has practical advice for young people on evidence-based ways to take control and retrain the brain.


This is very much a CBT book and highlights the issues with thoughts that impact our sense of control and highlighting that our thoughts are just thoughts – they don’t define who we are!


I like this book because it focuses on parent/child relationships, including understanding “triggers” and “patterns of interactions” – both of which are important for positive change.


This is a great book for helping parents understand brain development in youth and presents practical ways to enhance brain growth.


This is an important book that focuses on recognizing, understanding, labelling, expressing and regulating emotions. Good stories and lots of humor.


Hold Me Tight

by: Sue Johnson

Many couples have found Sue's book to be incredibly valuable in working towards positive relationship changes.

I read this book about 6 hours, couldn’t put it down. This is one of the most “down to earth” books on worry/anxiety, with lots of examples that will resonate with almost everyone.


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The Way Out
by Alan Gordon

(Amazon $24.00)
This is a terrific book on managing chronic pain!

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